Krajem avgusta 2023. godine organizovali smo drugi Zemaljski forum, pod nazivom Terrestrial forum 2023, u Požegi, u saradnji sa lokalnim Udruženjem građana Forca.
Ovaj program smo započeli 2021. godine sa željom da napravimo prostor za saradnju sa različitim predstavnicima sektora, poput civilnog društva, grassroot pokreta, političkih organizacija, medija i akademika.
Želeli smo da motivišemo politički aktivne građane da učestvuju u planiranju i kreiranju politika koje će određivati njihov svakodnevni život, kao i da proširimo međusobna znanja.
Na kraju, ideja je bila da stvorimo nove horizonte – Horizonte promene i promovišemo progresivne politike. Možemo reći da su diskusije bile plodonosne, da su se postavila i otvorila pitanja koja se često prećutkuju, te da smo imali značajne uvide za sve nas.
Ovogodišnji glavni moduli su bili:
• Politička ekonomija i urbani razvoj – ušli smo u analizu makro i mikro ekonomskih procesa koji danas utiču na prostorno planiranje. Pitanje koje smo postavili je na koji način se gradovi šire, ko ima pristup osnovnoj infrastrukturi i uslugama i koja su ograničenja različitih politika u promeni trenutnog stanja.
• Deliberativna demokratija u praksi – istraživali smo potencijale različitih deliberativnih alata, kao što su mini-javnosti, građanske skupštine i plenumi, kako bismo adresirali demokratski deficit u našem uređenju. Uporedili smo različite načine implementacije u različitim zemljama, kroz institucionalne i neinstitucionalne alate.
• Pravedna energetska tranzicija – ideja je bila da istražimo različite socijalno-ekonomske aspekte energetske tranzicije i prodiskutujemo mere koje se za nju predlažu. Kako da nađemo balans između neophodnih mera koje se moraju preduzeti i rastućih socijalnih nejednakosti?
Pored glavnih modula, imali smo Popodnevne sesije / Afternoon sessions, koje su se bavile svim gorućim političkim pitanjima, kroz radionice, predavanje, lecture performance, panele i slično. Neke od zanimljivih tema su bile Razvoj AI tehnologije i uticaj na društvo, partnerstva u javnim dobrima, feministička perspektiva razvoja gradova, itd.
Na našem Yotube kanalu možete pogledati predavanja koja su snimljena. Napominjemo da nismo snimali sve formate, posebno radionice koje su imale role play, kao ni diskusije, kako bi učesnici mogli da se osećaju komotnije i slobodnije u deljenju stavova.
Sofija Stefanović is an activist and PhD researcher at Cambridge University where her work is primarily informed by feminist science & technology studies and environmental justice. As a scholar-activist, she cooperates with grassroots groups scrutinising and resisting extractive industries–especially intensified mining for “critical minerals” in Serbia–to conduct collaborative research and actions. Her work aims to contribute to connecting current struggles to broader land dispossession issues and alternative visions of a just transition, as well as building practical tools/resources for mobilising support and challenging specific corporations. Sofija co-founded Zeleni Talas—an environmental initiative in Čačak. She is also active in the environmental and land justice movement in the UK.
Robert Kozma is a member of the executive council of the green-left political movement Ne davimo Beograd (Don’t let Belgrade Drown) / Green Left Front and a member of the National Assembly of Serbia (active in European Affairs Committee; Spatial Planning Committee; Committee on Labour and Social Issues). He has an MA in Political Science.
Darko Vesić is a member and one of the founders of the Center for the Politics of Emancipation, where he works as a coordinator of the political education program. As part of his role, he collaborates on organizing the educational platform Studies of Socialism and where he teaches topics related to Marxist critique of political economy and critical analysis of contemporary capitalism.
Manuel B. Aalbers is professor of Geography at KU Leuven, the University of Leuven (Belgium) where he leads a research group on the intersection of real estate, finance and states. Previously he was at the University of Amsterdam and Columbia University. He has published on financialization, redlining, social and financial exclusion, neoliberalism, mortgage markets, the privatization of social housing, neighborhood decline, gentrification and the Anglo-American hegemony in academic research and writing. He is the author of Place, Exclusion, and Mortgage Markets (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) and The Financialization of Housing: A Political Economy Approach (Routledge, 2016) and the editor of Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). Most of his papers can be downloaded from https://kuleuven.academia.edu/ManuelAalbers.
Philipp Katsinas is a postdoctoral research associate in the REDEFINE project at The Open University. His research focuses on the effects of major Chinese infrastructural investments in Europe and on the transformations of housing systems, including the social and spatial impacts of the increasing role of finance and tourism on urban economies. Philipp has held research and teaching roles at the London School of Economics, King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, and Birkbeck, University of London. He is part of the City Collective for the journal City.
Sonja Dragović is a PhD candidate and researcher at Lisbon’s University Institute, specializing in socioeconomic and territorial studies. With a scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, she’s pursuing her doctoral studies in Architecture and Urbanism. Sonja holds degrees in economics from the University of Montenegro and Free University of Brussels. Her focus lies in socially engaged architectural practices, urban social movements, and the dynamic between activism and urban governance. Committed to activism, she collaborates with local communities to enhance participatory methods, public policies, and shared spaces. Sonja’s contributions encompass multiple books, research papers, reports, and policy proposals. Actively involved, she’s part of collectives like KANA/ko ako ne arhitekt (Podgorica) and Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos (Lisbon). Additionally, she serves as an editor for LeftEast.
Iva Marčetić holds a Master degree from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. Her primary field of interest is the interconnection between architecture, planning and housing policies in an effort to improve the material conditions of urban life. She has actively worked on democratization of urban planning mechanisms and improving housing rights. She is a longtime member and coordinator of Right to the city organization from Zagreb. As part of the architectural collective Pulska grupa she represented Croatia in the 13th Biennial of Architecture in Venice with their work “Unmediated democracy needs unmediated space”. She is the author of the book “Housing policy in service of social and spatial (in)equalities”. She currently works at the University of Kassel.
Dorina Pllumbi is an Albanian architect and Ph.D. researcher at the Technological University of Delft, Netherlands. Her research focuses on exploring commoning practices as both material and spatial engagements within the context of political transition. Pllumbi’s writings have been published in various Albanian and international press, cultural, architectural, and academic journals, including Kosovo 2.0, Politiken, Architectural Review, Architectural Design, and Architecture and Culture. Dorina has also been actively engaged in collaborative research-creation projects, including the co-production of a short film titled “Would you call yourself a kombinats?”. She co-organized a training school in 2023 called “Tirana and Kamza: The planned, the unplanned and everything in between,” which was part of the COST action Writing Urban Places.
Artan Sadiku is an anarchist activist and theorist from Skopje and his interests are theories of the subject, political economy, queer thinking and radical practices in politics and arts. He was a motivator of the social movement in Macedonia and initiated the School for politics and critique. Also, he is the founder of the Social Centre Dunja and Culture Club Syndicate and the activist movement Solidarnost. Currently he is organizing the KRIK festival for critical culture that takes place in Skopje.
Alexandros Kioupkiolis is Associate Professor of Contemporary Political Theory at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. He has studied Classics (BA, University of Athens), and Contemporary Political Theory (MA, Essex University, DPhil, Oxford University). His research interests are focussed on radical democracy, the commons, social movements, and the philosophy of freedom. He has directed an ERC COG project on these topics (Heteropolitics, 2017-2020) and has published numerous relevant books and papers, including the monographs Τhe Common and Counter-hegemonic Politics (Edinburgh University Press 2019), Common Hegemony, Populism, and the New Municipalism: Democratic Alter-Politics and Transformative Strategies (Routledge 2022).
Vujo Ilić is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, and a Policy and Research Advisor at Crta. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Central European University in Budapest. His research interests include democratic institutions, elections, and participation, as well as research methodology. He is a member of the ActiveLab, and he participated in several international projects that researched themes mentioned above. At Crta, he leads the election observation analytics team, develops electoral recommendations, and designs surveys, including the annual audit of citizen participation in democratic processes.
Irena Fiket is a Senior Research Fellow and academic coordinator of the laboratory for Active Citizenship at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Her current research interests lie in deliberative democracy, citizens’ participation, democratic innovations, social movements and Western Balkans. On those topics she published a book, book chapters and articles in journals such as Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, PACO-Partecipazione e Conflitto, Italian Political Science Review, Javnost—The Public, European Union Politics, and others. She is currently serving as academic coordinator of Jean Monnet Network ‘Active Citizenship: Promoting and Advancing Innovative Democratic Practices in The Western Balkans’.
Damir Kapidžić is an Associate Professor at the University of Sarajevo and a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University. His research examines how democratic and authoritarian politics are institutionalized in the context of ethnic conflict, power-sharing, and democratic innovations. He has advised several deliberative processes and citizens’ assemblies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, all of them in a post-conflict context with substantial elements of demographic diversity. He is a consultant on deliberative processes for the Council of Europe, a member of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group, and editor of the book Illiberal Politics in Southeast Europe (2022).
Zuzanna Nowak graduated from International Relations with a specialty in diplomacy and consular relations. She’s a trained facilitator with over 7 years of experience in designing and leading group processes using non-formal methodology. An expert and practitioner in the field of deliberative democracy. Co-author of the Training Camp for Citizen’s Assembly Coordinators. Co-creator of citizens’ assemblies in the cities of Poznan, Ozurgeti, and Rustavi, as well as the Washington State Climate Assembly and the European Citizen Panels. Her greatest professional joy is to help people feel empowered and meaningful (and to make pretty flipcharts). Privately, she’s an artist, a yoga student, and a passionate home cook.
She holds degrees from the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture and is the founder of the “Ministry of Space” collective. Her interests span spatial resource management, urban common goods, and bridging formal frameworks with informal practices. She founded Belgrade’s Street Gallery and engaged there until 2020. Formerly a visiting collaborator and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, she’s collaborated with foreign universities since 2015. She coordinated the “FundAction” platform for European activism from 2018 to 2020.
She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and earned a master’s degree in Gender Studies from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. Currently, she’s pursuing her doctoral thesis there. Her research and activist work intersect contemporary political theory, feminist theory, and urban critical studies. She focuses on spatial justice, democratization of spatial policies, housing policies, and the struggle for the right to housing.
Diplomirala je i doktorirala na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Osnivačica je kolektiva Ministarstvo prostora. Usmerena je na teme upravljanja i raspolaganja prostornim resursima, urbana zajednička dobra, kao i na tačke susreta institucionalnog, planskog i normativnog okvira sa oblicima neformalnih praksi. Osnivačica je Ulične galerije u Beogradu, čijim se programom bavila do 2020. godine. Bila je angažovana kao gostujući saradnik i predavač na Departmanu za urbanizam na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu do 2017. godine, a od 2015. godine sarađuje sa univerzitetima van Srbije. Od 2018. do 2020. godine bila je koordinatorka aktivističke evropske participativne platforme „FundAction” za podršku aktivizmu. Članica je odbora Guerrilla fondacije (Nemačka) i donatorskog odbora Trag fondacije u programu „Aktivne zajednice” (Srbija).
Đorđe Pavićević is a professor of Political Theory at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science. His courses are dealing with issues in contemporary political theory, history of political ideas and theories of justice and democracy. Among the books he published are Disciplining Democracy (co-author Marko Simendić) and Justice and Politics: A Scope and Limits of Rawls’s theory of justice. He is also the author of many articles on related topics as well as numerous analytical essays on Serbian politics.Đorđe Pavićević is politically engaged as a member of the Green-Left Front and became a member of Serbian National Assembly in 2022.
Radostina Slavkova is an “Energy and Climate” coordinator at Environmental Association “Za Zemiata” – Determined to work for sustainable life on our planet and to combat exploitation of people and nature. She holds an MS in Environmental Sciences and Policy and BS in Eco-economics. She works on climate and fossil fuels phase out policies, in support of Bulgaria’s just energy transition. Radostina has previous research experience in energy poverty and fighting it through the means of energy retrofit of buildings, which was later upgraded with practical experience on housing policy in the Bulgarian Regional Ministry department, designing and implementing the National Renovation Program.
Alexandru Kelemen is a social worker from Jiu Valley, a region in Romania that was a mono-industrial society based on extraction of black coal in underground mining. He worked as a social worker and on just transition process in the region. He was the cofounder of an NGO coalition that has more than 20 civil society members and has been the acting director of the governance body in Jiu Valley. In a context of just and energy transition Alexandru´s focus is collaboration between municipalities, communication between different layers of society, stakeholder engagement and mature and sustainable projects.
Maja Pupovac holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki and a Master’s degree in political science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During her studies, Dr Pupovac focused on qualitative research methods emphasising bottom-up engagement with different communities in Southeast Europe, which allowed her to develop a deep understanding of the complex political, social and cultural factors that shape people’s lives and perspectives. In recent years, she has focused on social aspects of air pollution, just energy transition and environmental protection. She has authorised dozens of publications, including academic articles, studies and analyses, policy reports, briefing notes and position papers.
Miljenka Kuhar holds a degree in sociology. Throughout her career in the public sector, she worked on many projects funded by the European Commission. She has extensive knowledge of public policy, mainly related to climate and energy policies. Recently she focused more on social and gender issues in the process of the just and inclusive energy transition, among which especially on topics of climate justice and energy poverty.
Robert Kasumović is a master of pharmacy and a long-term activist. He is a member of the NGO Roma Forum of Serbia, a member of the editorial board of the portal “Mašina,” a researcher, and a political activist. He is the author of several research projects and publications on the subject of the Roma minority and on waste management.
He has a degree in Architecture and a PhD in Urban, Territorial and Environmental Planning. As senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the Coimbra University, he co-coordinated for 15 years the doctoral course “Democracy in the 21st century”. His main research areas include citizen participation in the management of territorial transformations and budgeting. He was the international coordinator of the “EMPATIA” project (2016-2018) on digital platforms for participation and currently coordinates in 10 countries the “PHOENIX” project (2022-2025) on citizen participation in the implementation of the European Green Deal. From 2014 to 2019 he chaired the Authority for the Promotion Participation of the Tuscany Region (Italy); is also member of the Organizing Committee of the Citizen Assemblies on Climate in Bologna (where he is also City Hall’s guarantor for the Participatory Budget).
Julian holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from Technische Universität Dresden, and he is a political activist and consultant for projects on urban democracy, the co-production of urban space, and Gemeinwohl housing policies and economy. He is a co-founder and currently the CEO of the real-estate mediation cooperative Häuser Bewegen GIMA eG. For over a decade, he has been working within collaborative structures organizing non-commercial cultural and political events such as the urbanize! Festival in Berlin and Monis Rache Festival. Previously, he worked with Diese eG housing cooperative and with AKS Gemeinwohl, which focuses on helping tenants, landlords, and politicians in finding alternatives to the neoliberal real-estate transactions. In addition, he contributed to research in the field of participatory processes in environmental law at the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues in Berlin.
Urbanist and researcher. Her work focuses on cities of exasperated insecurities, spacio-politics of and resistance to (neo)colonialism, and facing uncertainties through dynamic people-based spatial design strategies. As a a postdoctoral researcher and coordinator at K LAB, TU-Berlin she was focusing on the intersection of critical mapping and socio-environmental transformation. A recent co-authored publication is the mapping change logbook, and forthcoming is CMMM: Critical Mapping for Municipalist Mobilization. She is co-founder/director of UR°BANA, with which she leads the Ramallah team in the multisite comparative research project “Urbanization, Gender and the Global South.” Formerly Professor of Urban Planning (Acting Chair) at Dessau Institute of Architecture, and visiting lecturer at several universities.
Urbanist and project curator. Her work focuses on tackling the urban polycrisis and advancing socio-ecological transformations within contemporary complexities. More specifically, her work strives to contest and re-shape urban resource flows and the unjust distribution of services, access, and opportunities. She works at TU Berlin as a postdoctoral researcher and scientific coordinator for SMUS – the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability, which connects close to 50 partners from eight world regions and focuses on some of the most pressing urban challenges of today. Former projects include Critical Mapping for Municipalist Mobilization, Mapping Change and Critical Urban Agenda: Rethinking the Urban
He graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade and has been active in the civil sector for over 15 years. His work focuses on the spatial dimension of social justice, emphasizing democratizing decision-making, managing public resources, and ensuring housing accessibility. He is the founder of the “Ministry of Space” and various other collectives and initiatives that have stemmed from it.
Filip Milosevic is an activist at SHARE Foundation, primarily focusing on emerging tech and issues of digital surveillance, artificial intelligence, data centralization, extractivism, and their societal and freedom-related impacts. He is a member of Decentrala hackerspace and serves on the advisory board of Internet Society Serbia (ISOC).
Dr. Keir Milburn is a writer, researcher, and consultant. He is co-director of Abundance, a new organization focussed on developing and implementing Public-Common Partnerships, an alternative model for the ownership and governance of assets which aims to build a self-expansive dynamic into the commons. Abundance is currently participating in eight projects seeking to establish Public-Common Partnerships or related public-community action models in locations spread across urban and rural settings in several different countries. As a member of the Red Plenty Games Collective he also designs and runs political strategy games and uses game play to research common political imaginaries. He co-hosts the popular #ACFM podcast on Novara Media and his most recent book is Generation Left.
Hana Curak (b. 1994, Sarajevo) is a cultural researcher, feminist, author, and producer. Currently she works as a research associate at Humboldt University in Berlin, in the Collaborative Research Project “Intervening Arts”. She is the founder of the academic and artistic platform It’s all Witches, a counter-archive aimed at subversion of patriarchal culture across former Yugoslavia. Her research interests focus on the concepts of collectivity, intervention and resistance in the context of curatorial practices across post-Yugoslavia. She is also a media consultant with the European Endowment for Democracy. She worked in visual arts production and politics.
Nikola Ostojić holds a master’s degree at the Faculty of Architecture. His final thesis on the topic “Open Source Center” through program design of the use of existing abandoned buildings in Sarajevo examines the possibility of implementing an open source approach in physical space, through the way the center operates and the projects that would be implemented in it. Most prominent presentation of the work was at the Piran Days of Architecture in Slovenia and a nomination in the category of student works. He is currently practicing this work through activities in the Independent Social and Cultural Center in Sarajevo. He is an associate in the Bosnian/Norwegian architectural office “AHAKNAP”, and in addition actively collaborates with various organizations, artists and architects on the creation of socially engaged and experimental projects.
Tijana Ana Spasovska holds degree in History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Later she attended 2 Master Degree programs: UNESCO Cultural Chair program at the Belgrade University; and the GIOCA program at Bologna University. She has been a part of the CRIC-festival for critical culture, held in Skopje. Worked as a national coordinator of the JADRO. Currently works as a program coordinator in Kooperativa, and is a member of the “Governmental council for cooperation with civil society organisations in North Macedonia”, voted as a representative of the civil sector, representing the independent cultural scene.
Marko Peterlin is a co-founder and a director at IPoP. He aims to strengthen the environment for resilient communities. He initiated a national network of NGOs active in urban development. He is part of URBACT, a Europe-wide knowledge sharing programme for cities. Since 2011 he coordinates Jane’s Walks in Slovenia, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs. He writes for various newspapers and blogs, speaks and facilitates debates at conferences, seminars, workshops. He is also a local activist.
Mirela Travar, an experienced activist, cultural, and youth worker with 15+ years in civil society, focused on youth and human rights, education, independent culture, and public goods. She collaborated with OSCE, Council of Europe, and numerous Croatian organizations. Former Secretary General of the Croatian Youth Network, coordinator of Kooperativa, and now president of Operation City. She served as the first president of DKC-HR and authored multiple publications/studies on culture and youth.
Ivan Velisavljević is a leftist, disability activist and the head curator of the Alternative Film Archive in Student City Cultural Center Belgrade. Studied film, literature and drama in Belgrade, Zagreb, Ithaca and Los Angeles. He is currently in the process of writing his PhD thesis on disability and post-Yugoslav film. Some essays and articles in English on his favorite subject of Yugoslav cinema: “Against Capitalism from the Stalinist Cellar: The Balkan Spy in the Post-Yugoslav Context” (2017), “Socialist Modernization is Not the Real News: Yugoslav Documentaries of the 1960s and early 1970s” (2017), “Bodies that Shudder: Disability and Typhus Sufferers in Partisan Films” (2015). His book: The Best Serbian Films of the 21st Century (with Đ. Bajić and Z. Janković, 2019). Follows punk and world music and supports the DIY hard-core/punk movement.
Jovana Marović, the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs of Montenegro, has dedicated her career to the European integration of Montenegro and the Western Balkans. She holds a PhD in Political Science, specializing in the EU’s democratic deficit. Jovana’s experience includes advisory roles for the EU in Montenegro’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international relations, and European integration in Budva Municipality. She has served as a research coordinator at the Institute Alternative and as executive director of the Politikon Network, a think tank. Jovana was also the vice president of the Civic Movement URA and a special advisor to the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare. Additionally, she has been a member of BiEPAG, the Balkans in Europe Advisory Group, since 2015.
Graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. Attended a large number of summer schools, seminars and debates in the country and abroad, and held the same number of lectures and presentations. He has been active in the civil sector for more than 10 years. In the last few years, he primarily deals with issues of urban development and fights for public spaces and public and common goods. He is one of the initiators of the Ministry of Space collective, Ne davimo Beograd, and green left coalition “Moramo”. Currently part of Small council of Ne davimo Beograd, and head of Ne davimo Beograd group in Belgrade city assembly.
Iva Ivšić, political activist, coordinator of political platform Zagreb je naš!, city councilor at city Assembly of Zagreb. Fields of interest: early childhood education and care, labor rights, social policy, cooperatives and economic democracy.Iva has graduated from the Faculty of Kinesiology. She is an activist involved in many progressive movements in Croatia, one of founding members of Organisation for workers initiative and democratization (BRID) which is empowering and assisting workers in advocating and fighting for their rights and one of founding members of Cooperative for ethical financing (CEF), which is creating a collaborative economical ecosystem that is supporting sustainable economic development in Croatia. Works at Trade Union of education, media and culture.
Aleksa Petković is political activist, municipality coordinator in Green-left front. Fields of interest: labor rights and trade unions, green policies. Aleksa has graduated from the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade. He was active in the anti-eviction organization (Za krov nad glavom) and environmental organization Right to Water.
Jana Kocevska graduated from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology in Skopje and has co-founded Tiiiit! Inc., and CINIK – the Center for Research of Nationalism and Culture. Through Tiiiit! Inc. she is a co-organiser of the feminist festival ‘Firstborn Girl’ (Prvo pa žensko). Jana was an active collaborator of the Skopje Pride Weekend and the CRIC festival of critical culture. She also serves as a member of the managerial board of Jadro – Association of the Independent Cultural Scene, and as the president of the board of the Socio-Cultural Space Centar-Jadro, the first hybrid public cultural institution in Macedonia, established as a civic-public partnership. With her background in activism and research, Jana has worked with various civil society organizations.
Maša Elezović is a feminist, activist, designer, and she currently works as the women’s program manager at the Trag Foundation. In every situation, she’s the one who asks “Where are the women?”, whether she’s watching the parliament or reading The Lord of the Rings. She uses the phrase “structural inequality” in both appropriate and inappropriate situations. After completing design studies in Cetinje, she realized that she’s better at analyzing than in drawing, so she shifted her focus to the field of gender studies, thanks to scholarships in Japan and London. In her master’s thesis, she addressed the question of sex robot production, and today, among many other things, she wonders how AI will affect women.
Tea Truta is a trained architect whose work shifts from designing, scenographies, research, writing to podcasting about Croatian urban planning and architecture. In collaboration with local architectural associations and initiatives focused on spatial questions she researches and advocates for models of citizen participation in urban planning. She is a member of the Association of architects from Split and The House collective.
Natalija Simović is a political activist, local councilor in the City of Belgrade on behalf of the Green-left front and has been working for many years in feminist philanthropy. Within this capacity, she led and developed the Issues Affecting Women for Western Balkans program, supporting over 60 women’s organizations. She introduced many innovations in participatory grantmaking, women’s movement building, and engaging with grassroots and survivor-led initiatives, and currently works to bring this perspective in the field of child sexual violence on a global level. She was one of the founders of the feminist group Ne davimo Beograd/Green left front and is passionate about the feminization of politics and transforming political structures to be equitable, inclusive, and caring.
Graduated at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade, department of Dramaturgy and got a PhD in Theory of Arts and Media at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Her plays have been produced in many countries and have been translated into several foreign languages and published in anthologies of contemporary drama. She had also directed several plays and performances among which: Freedom the most expensive capitalist word and World without women (with Olga Dimitrijević), They live (with Milan Marković). Received numerous awards for her theatre achievements. Together with Srećko Horvat founded and moderated Philosophical theatre in Belgrade. Member of the coordinating collective of pan-European movement Diem 25.
Olga Dimitrijević was born in 1984 in Belgrade, SFRY. In her work, she explores the topics of social struggles and injustices, female friendship and solidarity, queer histories, borders of political imagination, and the possibilities of a better world. She is the author of many plays (My Dear, The Folk Play, Workers Die Singing…), and auteur projects (Red Love based on the novel by Alexandra Kollontai, Freedom: the Most Expensive Capitalist Word, Lepa Brena Project/with Vladimir Aleksić, Lonely Planet/with a group of authors, Radio Šabac, Drama about the End of the World). Lives and works between Belgrade and Rijeka. Often dreams of revolution.
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